Dell Primary School

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools based on:

  • number of children from low income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings
  • number of children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months
  • number of children from Services families

This also includes any pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (ever 6).

Schools are free to spend their Pupil Premium as they see fit, however, are held to account for how they have used the additional funding to narrow the gap for these targeted pupils.  There is a requirement on all schools to publish online how they have used the premium.  This is to ensure that parents and other stakeholders are made fully aware of the impact of this additional resourcing on learning and achievement outcomes within a school.

At Dell Primary, we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and believe that all children regardless of ability should be enabled to reach their fullest potential. We strongly believe that passion, curiosity and resilience are essential components to any curriculum and endeavour to prepare our children with the skills required to thrive in today’s world.

We are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to realise their full potential. This additional funding allows the school to put resources and strategies into place which are designed to reduce the achievement gap.

 Pupil Premium 2024-2025

Pupil Premium 2023-24

Pupil Premium 2022-2023 (Including Review of 2021-2022)

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020

Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019

Pupil Premium Strategy 2017-2018

Pupil Premium Strategy 2016-2017